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細胞培養, 轉染, 原核表達, 克隆, 免疫沉淀, 裂解, 融合蛋白, 純化, 重組蛋白, Western blot, SDS-PAGE, 酵母表達, 化學合成, 功能研究, 穩定細胞株, 轉錄, 翻譯, 具體呈現, 蛋白交互, 結構解析, 抗體制備


PCR, Western blot, Immunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence, Flow cytometry, ELISA, Mass spectrometry, Protein purification, Protein quantification, Protein crystallization, Protein-protein interaction assays, Protein structure determination, Protein folding, Protease activity assay, Protein degradation assay, Protein phosphorylation assay, Protein acetylation assay, Protein glycosylation assay, Protein methylation assay, Protein ubiquitination assay, Protein kinase assay, Protein phosphatase assay, Protein-protein crosslinking assay, Protein alignment, Protein sequence analysis, Protein stability assay, Protein function assay, Protein engineering, Protein localization, Protein trafficking, Protein degradation, Protein aggregation, Protein cleavage, Protein expression analysis, Protein labeling, Protein-protein interaction analysis, Protein-DNA interaction analysis, Protein-RNA interaction analysis, Protein-lipid interaction analysis, Protein-protein crosslinking analysis, Protein secondary structure analysis, Protein tertiary structure analysis, Protein quaternary structure analysis, Protein dynamics analysis, Protein folding analysis, Protein stability analysis, Protein-protein docking, Protein-ligand docking, Protein-protein interaction prediction, Protein structure prediction, Protein modeling, Protein network analysis, Protein evolution analysis, Protein phosphorylation site prediction, Protein subcellular localization prediction, Protein sequence motif analysis, Protein sequence alignment, Protein domain prediction, Protein functional annotation.


Western blotting: Western blotting is a commonly used method to detect and analyze protein expression. It involves separating proteins using gel electrophoresis, transferring them to a membrane, and then probing the membrane with specific antibodies that bind to the target protein. This method allows for the detection and quantification of protein expression levels.

Immunohistochemistry (IHC): Immunohistochemistry is a technique used to visualize protein expression in tissue samples. It involves using specific antibodies that bind to the protein of interest, followed by the addition of a colored or fluorescent tag that can be visualized under a microscope. IHC is useful for determining the localization and distribution of proteins within tissues.

Immunofluorescence (IF): Immunofluorescence is a similar technique to IHC but uses fluorescent tags instead of colored tags. This allows for the visualization of protein expression in cells or tissues using fluorescence microscopy. Compared to IHC, IF provides higher sensitivity and allows for the simultaneous detection of multiple proteins using different fluorescent tags.

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA): ELISA is a quantitative method used to measure the concentration of proteins in a sample. It relies on the specific binding of antibodies to the target protein and the use of an enzyme-conjugated secondary antibody to generate a signal that can be measured. ELISA is commonly used in research, diagnostics, and drug discovery for protein quantification.

Protein gel electrophoresis: Protein gel electrophoresis is a technique used to separate proteins based on their size and charge. It involves running the protein sample through a gel matrix, typically made of polyacrylamide, under an electric field. The proteins move through the gel at different rates based on their size and charge, allowing for their separation. This method is often used as a preliminary step before other protein analysis techniques.

Mass spectrometry: Mass spectrometry is a powerful tool used to identify and quantify proteins in a sample based on their mass-to-charge ratio. It involves ionizing the proteins and measuring their mass-to-charge ratio using a mass spectrometer. This technique can provide information about the identity, sequence, and modifications of proteins present in a sample.

Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR): RT-PCR is a method used to detect and quantify the expression of specific genes. It involves reverse transcribing RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA) using reverse transcriptase, followed by amplification of the target cDNA using PCR. By designing specific primers, RT-PCR can be used to measure the expression levels of specific genes of interest.

Flow cytometry: Flow cytometry is a technique used to analyze protein expression in individual cells within a population. It involves staining cells with fluorescently-labeled antibodies that bind to specific proteins of interest. The stained cells are then passed through a flow cytometer, which measures the fluorescence intensity of each individual cell. Flow cytometry allows for the assessment of protein expression at the single-cell level and can provide information about cell populations and their characteristics.

Proximity ligation assay (PLA): PLA is a method used to detect protein-protein interactions. It relies on the binding of two antibodies to the proteins of interest, followed by the ligation of DNA strands attached to the antibodies. The ligated DNA strands are then amplified using PCR and visualized using fluorescence microscopy. PLA can provide information about the spatial and temporal co-localization of proteins involved in specific interactions.

Immunoprecipitation (IP): Immunoprecipitation is a technique used to isolate and purify a specific protein or protein complex from a mixture. It involves the use of antibodies that specifically bind to the protein of interest. The antibody-protein complex is then precipitated using protein A or protein G beads. This method allows for the characterization and analysis of protein-protein interactions, post-translational modifications, and protein function.


1. Western blot

2. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

3. Immunofluorescence

4. Immunohistochemistry

5. Flow cytometry

6. Mass spectrometry

7. Protein microarray

8. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR)

9. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC)

10. Bio-layer interferometry (BLI)

11. Protein crystallography

12. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

13. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

14. Circular dichroism (CD)

15. Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis)

16. X-ray crystallography

17. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)

18. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)

19. Electrochemical methods

20. Biacore


GB/T 38477-2020:基因表達的測定 蛋白印跡法

農業部1485號公告-17-2010:轉基因生物及其產品食用安全檢測 外源基因異源表達蛋白質等同性分析導則

農業部1943號公告-4-2013:轉基因植物及其產品成分檢測 抗蟲轉Bt基因棉花外源蛋白表達量檢測技術規范

農業農村部 公告第628號 7-2022:轉基因植物及其產品成分檢測 抗蟲轉Bt基因棉花外源Bt蛋白表達量ELISA檢測方法

QB/T 5950-2023:酵母蛋白

GB/T 24355-2023:地理信息 圖示表達

YY/T 1511-2017:膠原蛋白海綿

CNS 3282-2008:蛋白粉

QB/T 4222-2023:復合蛋白飲料

CNS 14452-2000:大豆蛋白

SB/T 10373-2012:膠原蛋白腸衣

YY/T 1849-2022:重組膠原蛋白

QB/T 4222-2011:復合蛋白飲料

QB/T 5961-2023:彈性蛋白肽

QB 2732-2005:水解膠原蛋白

FZ/T 50018-2013:蛋白粘膠纖維蛋白質含量試驗方法

CNS 14453-2000:植物性蛋白

QB/T 5962-2023:抗凍蛋白肽粉

GB/T 23527-2009:蛋白酶制劑

FZ/T 50018-2013(2017):蛋白粘膠纖維蛋白質含量試驗方法

WS/T 404.9-2018:臨床常用生化檢驗項目參考區間 第9部分:血清C-反應蛋白、前白蛋白、轉鐵蛋白、β2-微球蛋白

LS/T 1815-2018:糧食電子地圖 圖示表達

CNS 7820-1981:化學試藥(卵蛋白)

GH/T 1042-2007:脫酚棉籽蛋白

SB/T 10649-2012:大豆蛋白制品

GB/T 34793-2017:蛋白酶K

WS/T 464-2015:食物成分數據表達規范

GA/T 52-1993:蛋白泡沫滅火劑和氟蛋白泡沫滅火劑質量分等

SN/T 5422-2022:進出口紡織品 纖維定性分析 再生蛋白復合纖維(大豆蛋白復合纖維、牛奶蛋白復合纖維)

LY/T 2175-2013:林業信息圖示表達規則和方法


實驗室儀器 實驗室儀器 實驗室儀器 實驗室儀器









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