廢棄電池, 閃光燈, 太陽能電池板, 鑰匙扣電池, 手表電池, 手機電池, 小風扇電池, 智能手環(huán)電池, 美容器電池, 煙火火柴電池, 電動牙刷電池, 電子刀電池, 數(shù)碼相機電池, 電動玩具電池, 遙控器電池, 手電筒電池, 汽車電池, 電動車電池, 監(jiān)控攝像頭電池, 筆記本電池
顏色, 尺寸, 材料, 直徑, 溫度, 濕度, 電壓, 電流, 頻率, 壓力, 表面粗糙度, 硬度, 重量, 彈性, 導電性, 導熱性, 抗拉強度, 抗壓強度, 耐腐蝕性, 可燃性, 符合標準
Visuall Inspection: Perform a visual inspection of the sample to identify any visible faults or anomalies. This can include looking for cracks, discoloration, or irregularities in shape or size.
Microscopic Examination: Use a microscope to examine the sample at a high magnification. This can help to identify any microstructural defects, such as grain boundaries, inclusions, or voids.
Mechanical Testing: Conduct various mechanical tests, such as tensile testing, compression testing, or hardness testing, to evaluate the sample's mechanical properties. This can help identify any weakness or failure points in the material.
Chemical Analysis: Perform a chemical analysis of the sample using techniques such as elemental analysis or spectroscopy. This can help identify any impurities or deviations from the expected composition.
Thermal Analysis: Use thermal analysis techniques, such as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) or thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), to evaluate the sample's thermal behavior. This can identify any thermal degradation or phase transitions.
Electrical Testing: Perform electrical tests, such as conductivity or resistivity measurements, to assess the sample's electrical properties. This can help detect any electrical faults or anomalies.
X-ray Diffraction (XRD): Use XRD to investigate the sample's crystallographic structure and identify any phase changes or crystal defects.
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): Utilize SEM to obtain high-resolution images of the sample's surface and analyze its morphology, topography, and elemental composition.
Ultrasonic Testing: Apply ultrasonic waves to the sample and analyze the reflected signals to detect any internal defects, such as cracks or delamination.
Gas Chromatography (GC): Use GC to separate and analyze the sample's volatile components. This can help identify any contaminants or deviations from the expected chemical composition.
TB/T 2992-2000:區(qū)間道口信號設(shè)備故障監(jiān)測技術(shù)條件
DL/T 1350-2014:變電站故障解列裝置通用技術(shù)條件
DL/T 1157-2019:配電線路故障指示器通用技術(shù)條件
DL/T 357-2019:輸電線路行波故障測距裝置技術(shù)條件
WJ 2436-1997:槍械故障分類
DL/T 872-2016:小電流接地系統(tǒng)單相接地故障選線裝置技術(shù)條件
DL/T 2530.1-2022:電力電纜測試設(shè)備通用技術(shù)條件 第1部分:電纜故障定位電橋
TB/T 2615-2018:鐵道信號故障-安全原則
GB/T 7829-1987:故障樹分析程序
DL/T 849.2-2019:電力設(shè)備專用測試儀通用技術(shù)條件 第2部分:電纜故障定點儀
JT/T 632-2018:汽車故障電腦診斷儀
QC/T 34-1992(2005):汽車的故障模式及分類
DL/T 846.15-2021:高電壓測試設(shè)備通用技術(shù)條件 第15部分:高壓脈沖源電纜故障檢測裝置
SY/T 5247-2008:鉆井井下故障處理推薦方法
DL/T 849.1-2019:電力設(shè)備專用測試儀通用技術(shù)條件 第1部分:電纜故障閃測儀
SJ 20955-2006:故障探測指示器通用規(guī)范
YD/T 2496-2013(2017):通訊安裝中電磁故障緩解方法
GB/T 4888-2009:故障樹名詞術(shù)語和符號
CNS 11381-1-1985:可靠度詞匯(有關(guān)故障之詞匯)
YD/T 2496-2013:通訊安裝中電磁故障緩解方法
JJF (電子) 0054-2020:故障錄波分析裝置校準規(guī)范
JJF (電子)0094-2023:直流接地故障查找儀校準規(guī)范
NB/T 10674-2021:直流故障電流控制器技術(shù)要求
CB 1379-2005:艦船產(chǎn)品可靠性試驗故障分類
JJF (機械) 1042-2020:電纜故障測試儀校準規(guī)范
DL/T 2456-2021:輸電電纜故障測尋技術(shù)規(guī)范
QJ 2437-1993:衛(wèi)星故障模式影響和危害度分析
GB/T 41397-2022:生產(chǎn)過程質(zhì)量控制 故障診斷
DL/T 337-2010:給煤機故障診斷及煤倉自動疏松裝置
NB/T 20558-2019:核電廠故障樹分析導則
上一篇: 對觸及帶電部件的防護檢測
下一篇: 耐熱和耐燃檢測