Visual Inspection: Use a magnifying glass or microscope to visually inspect the surface of the sample for any visible contaminants.
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS): Analyze the sample using GC-MS to identify and quantify the chemical compounds present in the sample.
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): Use SEM to examine the surface morphology and elemental composition of the sample at a high magnification.
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR): Characterize the chemical functional groups present in the sample by analyzing its infrared spectrum.
Particle Size Analysis: Determine the size distribution of particles in the sample using techniques such as laser diffraction or dynamic light scattering.
X-ray Diffraction (XRD): Identify the crystal structure of the sample by analyzing the diffraction patterns produced when X-rays interact with the sample.
Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS): Use EDS to detect and analyze the elemental composition of the sample.
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA): Study the thermal stability and composition of the sample by measuring its weight changes as a function of temperature.
Raman Spectroscopy: Utilize Raman spectroscopy to identify and analyze the molecular vibrations of the sample, providing information about its chemical structure.
YY/T 1872-2022:負壓引流海綿
JJG (交通)192-2023:負壓篩析儀
CJ/T 265-2016:無負壓給水設備
JJF (建材) 161-2019:負壓篩析儀校準規范
CJ/T 302-2008:箱式無負壓供水設備
JB/T 13178-2017:負壓粉粒輸送機
YY/T 1624-2019:手動負壓拔罐器
GB/T 31853-2015:矢量無負壓供水設備
CB/T 3489-2019:船用泵抽吸裝置
YB/T 4860-2020:焦化負壓脫苯技術規范
GB/T 26003-2010:無負壓管網增壓穩流給水設備
QB/T 2747-2005:不含氣液體負壓灌裝機
AQ 1053-2008:隔絕式負壓氧氣呼吸器
QB/T 2747-2005(2017):不含氣液體負壓灌裝機
CJ/T 303-2008:穩壓補償式無負壓供水設備
CJ/T 440-2013:無負壓靜音管中泵給水設備
JJF 1827-2020:水泥細度負壓篩析儀校準規范
YY/T 1547.2-2017:放射治療用體位固定裝置 第2部分:真空負壓墊
GB/T 35428-2017:醫院負壓隔離病房環境控制要求
YC/T 508-2014:煙草霜霉病檢疫規程 負壓溫室隔離試種
HG/T 4093-2022:塑料襯里設備 襯里耐負壓試驗方法
GA/T 1493-2018:法庭科學脫落細胞負壓提取器通用技術要求
SN/T 5296-2021:口岸負壓隔離留驗設施建設及配置指南
CJ/T 381-2011:無負壓一體化智能給水設備
CJ/T 415-2013:城鎮供水管網加壓泵站無負壓供水設備
JB/T 9561-1999:負序反時限過流保護裝置
YY 1885-2023:傳染病患者運送負壓隔離艙
JJF 1972-2022:負壓救護車醫療艙性能參數校準規范
JB/T 9561-1999(2017):負序反時限過流保護裝置
MT/T 630-1996:氣體檢測管用蛇腹形負壓式采樣器技術條件