Viscosity Measurement by Cup Method
This method involves measuring the viscosity of the water-based paint using a viscosity cup. The flow time of the paint through the cup is used to determine viscosity.
Density Measurement by Hydrometer
Density of the water-based paint can be measured using a hydrometer. The hydrometer is floated in the paint, and the reading on the scale indicates the density.
pH Measurement
The pH of the water-based paint can be determined using a pH meter or pH strips. This measurement indicates the acidity or alkalinity of the paint.
Drying Time Test
The drying time of the water-based paint can be evaluated by applying a sample to a surface and measuring the time it takes to dry completely.
Scratch Resistance Test
A scratch test can be conducted to determine the resistance of the dried water-based paint to scratching. Various tools can be used to apply pressure and assess the paint's durability.
Adhesion Test
The adhesion strength of the water-based paint can be evaluated by applying tape to the dried surface and then peeling it off to see how well the paint adheres to the substrate.
Color Measurement
The color of the water-based paint can be measured using a spectrophotometer or colorimeter to ensure consistency and accuracy in color reproduction.
Film Thickness Measurement
The thickness of the dried paint film can be measured using a film thickness gauge, which helps in ensuring the uniformity of the paint application.
Chemical Resistance Test
Chemical resistance of the water-based paint can be evaluated by exposing the dried paint film to various chemicals and assessing any changes or damage to the coating.
紅外光譜儀, X射線熒光光譜儀, 掃描電子顯微鏡, 原子吸收光譜儀, 氣相色譜儀, 紅外顯微鏡, 液相色譜儀, 熱重分析儀, 核磁共振儀, 離子色譜儀, 紫外-可見分光光度計, 溶液電導率儀, 環境掃描電鏡, 原子熒光光譜儀, 電感耦合等離子體發射光譜儀, 涂層厚度計, 電化學工作站, 量熱儀, 水分測定儀, 拉曼光譜儀
HG/T 4761-2014:水性聚氨酯涂料
HG/T 4761-2014(2017):水性聚氨酯涂料
HG/T 4570-2013:汽車用水性涂料
HG/T 4847-2015:水性醇酸樹脂涂料
HG/T 4343-2012(2017):水性多彩建筑涂料
HG/T 4343-2012:水性多彩建筑涂料
HG/T 4847-2015(2017):水性醇酸樹脂涂料
HG/T 4104-2019:水性氟樹脂涂料
JG/T 508-2016:外墻水性氟涂料
HG/T 4570-2013(2017):汽車用水性涂料
HG/T 4104-2009:建筑用水性氟涂料
HG/T 5057-2016:水性環氧地坪涂料
T/ZZB 3088-2023:水性環氧地坪涂料
HG/T 5172-2017:水性液態內墻硅藻涂料
HG/T 5067-2016:涂料用水性醇酸樹脂
HG/T 5066-2016:水性涂料用分散劑
HG/T 3951-2007(2017):建筑涂料用水性色漿
HG/T 4759-2014(2017):水性環氧樹脂防腐涂料
HG/T 3951-2007(2015):建筑涂料用水性色漿
LY/T 3133-2019:戶外用水性木器涂料
HG/T 4759-2014:水性環氧樹脂防腐涂料
HG/T 4758-2014(2017):水性丙烯酸樹脂涂料
GB/T 18178-2000:水性涂料涂裝體系選擇通則
HG/T 3951-2007:建筑涂料用水性色漿
HG/T 5370-2018:自行車用水性涂料
HG/T 4758-2014:水性丙烯酸樹脂涂料
HG/T 5176-2017:鋼結構用水性防腐涂料
HG/T 4344-2012(2017):水性復合巖片仿花崗巖涂料
HJ 2537-2014:環境標志產品技術要求 水性涂料
HG/T 4344-2012:水性復合巖片仿花崗巖涂料