Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA)
TGA is a method used to determine the decomposition temperature of a sample by measuring weight changes as a function of temperature. This technique is useful for identifying the temperature at which a material begins to decompose.
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
DSC measures the heat flow into or out of a sample as a function of temperature or time. It can be used to detect the temperatures associated with phase transitions, including the decomposition temperature.
Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC-MS)
Py-GC-MS is a technique used to analyze the thermal decomposition products of a sample. It involves pyrolyzing the sample at high temperatures and then separating and identifying the volatile decomposition products using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry.
High-temperature X-ray Diffraction (HT-XRD)
HT-XRD is a method that can be used to monitor structural changes in a sample at elevated temperatures. By heating the sample and analyzing the resulting X-ray diffraction patterns, the decomposition temperature can be inferred.
Simultaneous Thermal Analysis (STA)
STA combines TGA and DSC techniques in a single instrument to provide complementary information about thermal properties. It can be useful for studying decomposition temperatures and heat flow simultaneously.
GB/T 30711-2014:摩擦材料熱分解溫度測定方法
GB/T 37631-2019:化學纖維 熱分解溫度試驗方法
HG/T 5841-2021:氯化石蠟熱分解溫度測定方法
GB/T 31850-2015:非金屬密封材料熱分解溫度測定方法
GB/T 21613-2008:危險品 自加速分解溫度試驗方法
QJ 1468-1988:復合固體推進劑初始熱分解溫度和爆燃溫度試驗方法
GB/T 22052-2008:用液體蒸氣壓力計測定液體的蒸氣壓力和溫度關系及初始分解溫度的方法
SH/T 0561-1993(2004):抗氧抗腐添加劑熱分解溫度測定法(毛細管法)
CNS 2744-1989:汽車分解檢查方法
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TB/T 2946-1999:材料高溫分解氣體毒性分析
HB 7222-1995:機載導彈系統工作分解結構
QJ 3121-2000:航天產品項目工作分解結構
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JY/T 0537-2022:共點力的合成分解演示器
HB 7758-2004:飛機系統工作分解結構及代碼
HB 7758-2004(2010):飛機系統工作分解結構及代碼
HB 8457-2014:民用飛機研制項目工作分解結構
HB 8457-2014(2017):民用飛機研制項目工作分解結構
GB/T 38787-2020:塑料 材料生物分解試驗用樣品制備方法
GB/T 513-1977:潤滑脂機械雜質測定法(酸分解法)
HB 6210-1989:FYX-800型分解飛機副油箱技術條件
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DL/T 1205-2013:六氟化硫電氣設備分解產物試驗方法
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HG/T 5419-2018:錳系臭氧分解催化劑活性試驗方法
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