Visually inspect the table for any visible damages or imperfections: Carefully look over the table for scratches, dents, or other flaws that may affect its quality or appearance.
Measure the dimensions of the table: Use a tape measure to determine the length, width, and height of the table to ensure it meets the required specifications.
Check the stability of the table: Apply pressure to different parts of the table to see if it wobbles or feels unsteady, which can indicate structural issues.
Test the surface of the table for water resistance: Drip a few drops of water onto the table surface and observe if it beads up or absorbs quickly, indicating the level of water resistance.
Inspect the joinery of the table: Examine how the different components of the table are joined together to assess the strength and durability of the construction.
Conduct a scratch test on a hidden area: Use a key or coin to lightly scratch an inconspicuous area of the table to see if it easily gets damaged or maintains its finish.
Check the weight capacity of the table: Refer to the manufacturer's guidelines or conduct a weight test to determine how much weight the table can safely support.
MZ/T 121-2018:護理床用桌子
CNS 15336-2010:家具-桌子強度與耐久性測定法
CNS 15335-2010:家具-桌子穩定性測定法